Avengers vector illustration for apparel art commissioned by radio velvet depicting Captain america shield, thor's hammer Mjolnir and Thor's helmet, Hulk's fist, Iron man armor suit and technology
I was commissioned to create a licensed artwork by T-World for local label Radio Velvet to commemorate the release of the Avengers Movie. Featuring the tools of the trade of the founding superhero of Avengers; Hulk's fist, Thor's hammer, Cap's Shield, Iron Man's suit & technology. With art Direction by Eddie Zammitt Shirts are available whiles stocks lasts
Official Avengers apparel art for Radio Velvet with the logo made up of Iron man, thor, hulk, and captain america's weapons and powers
Avengers vector illustration for apparel art com in situ missioned by radio velvet depicting Captain america shield, thor's hammer Mjolnir and Thor's helmet, Hulk's fist, Iron man armor suit and technology
Alternative apparel art of the avengers logo with comic effects line

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